So many many many many changes.............. but guess what..... I still love my band!
I really need to get my head on straight, but the problem is.. that I'm very comfortable where I'm at.....
I kid you not...... I have been between 203-208 for about a year. Yes, I would LOVE to be back in the 170's and wearing size 10's....... but my 12's are ok for now.
I still eat to fast and I run to the nearest toilet to spit out the shoveled food.
My mom was banded November 2008, and she is doing great she is stuck somewhere in the 220's................. and since both of us started on the OTHER side of the 2's.... I was at 274, and she was at 285...... being here and staying here for two years.... has been a wonderful feeling........
So many of us bandsters...... fall of the face of the earth after 1 year... and I think really it is because we get bored or are just out living life..... I KNOW that I could easily be under 200 with very little effort......but getting me to DO it is something all together different.
My band date was April 26, 2007......... 3 years baby..... 3 years.... it is just part of me and..
Here is a pic of us....... taken February 2010